
Kathleen Chimes

Principal Research Associate


Kathleen Chimes is a Principal Research Associate with nearly 40 years of experience in all phases of survey research. As the project director for the National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS) for NCHS, Chimes manages a team engaged in hospital recruitment, management system development, and claims data collection and processing. She oversees training protocol development, with an emphasis on remote learning opportunities and facilities recruitment.

Chimes performed in a similar capacity for the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), which required development of training materials to support remote learning for nearly 300 data abstractors. She received an NIH Plain Language Award for her work on materials creation for a population of retinoblastoma patients and an award for merit from the Society for Technical Communication for recruitment materials developed for the DAWN project.

On other studies at 趣赢平台, Chimes has coordinated with systems staff to design and implement project-specific management systems and/or websites to support data collection instruments, quality control methods using statistical process control, vital status checks, tracing, cancer confirmation, project management, receipt control, data cleaning, and report generation. She has more than 10 years of experience conducting mortality tracing and has served as a corporate resource on respondent tracing and field data collector management issues.


  • BA, Rosemont College, Political Science

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